High standards of care, education and child development



At Jigsaw Day Nursery, our staff follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a set of government structured standards. They set out the standards and measure against education institutions that provide learning, development, and care of children from birth to five years old – so that’s childminders, nurseries, preschools, and school reception classes.

Our staff use it to support how and what your child will be learning in order for them to develop. Children will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through seven areas of learning and development.

All of our staff members are committed to teaching and supporting children by making sure that activities are suited to their unique needs and interests.

We actively encourage children’s progress and document their learning by completing regular observations, which are used to plan activities around individual children’s interests.

These observations are all recorded in children’s learning journals which are available to view at any time. Parents are encouraged to contribute to all aspects of their child’s learning whilst at the nursery. Good relationships between our staff and you and your family can only benefit us all.

For more information about EYFS please read our blog..

what is ofsted?

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s services and Skills. They’re not just there to carry out school inspections. They also regulate and inspect early years settings, including nurseries, pre-schools, and out of school clubs.

When Ofsted visit an early years setting they carry out a thorough inspection to determine:

  • How well the early years provision to needs of the range of children who attend.

  • The contribution of early years provision to the wellbeing of children.

  • The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the early years provision.

  • Whether the setting meets legal requirements for early years.

At the end of an inspection the provision is graded one of the following:

  • Outstanding (Grade 1)

  • Good (Grade 2)

  • Requires Improvement (Grade 3)

  • Inadequate (Grade 4)

At Jigsaw we’re proud of our positive reports and are always focusing on continuous improvement, so that we can provide the best care possible.